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Pup Up Hooray - Training Intake Form

Please help us put together the optimal training experience by filling out the form below. Please fill out a separate form for each dog, if more than one.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Gender of Pup
Spay/Neuter Status of Pup
Vaccination Status of Pup

Background Information

What Type of Classes are You Interested In?
Such as ages, roles/interactions with the pup
Type of pet, breed, and how long have you had?)
For example, treats, prong collar, chain, gentle leader, harness, collar, and so forth
Include type of interaction, where, when the last time was.

If Your Pup Received any Professional Training in the Past:

Behavioral Information

Barking. My dog....
Select all that apply
Leash Pulling. My dog...
Select all that apply
Aggression. My dog...
Select all that apply
Nipping, play biting areas of the body/clothing

Basic Obedience

Can your dog perform any basic cues?

Social Interactions With Dogs

My dog has interacted with the following:
How does your dog respond to other dogs off leash?

Social Interactions with people

If you choose "Other" for any of the following questions, please be sure to bring up during your consultation.
My dog has interacted with the following:
How does your dog react to people?
